
Virtual Reality In Real World

Most people are awaiting Virtual Reality; I’m awaiting virtuous reality.            


When we talk about Virtual Reality (VR), many of us think of science fiction films like ‘Ready Player one’ or ‘Gamer. However, the truth is that technology has become an integral part of our day-to-day activities where the technology completely blends in with … Read More


In a race to cope up with the trends, are we forgetting our “संस्कार”?

We are living in the Era of glamour, fashion, style. In a world where every new thing in our life becomes part of our Instagram story. Every day we are trying to cope up with some new things even though we are least interested in it, why? Because ” it’s the trend”. But have you … Read More


The Visionary King Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj’s Strategy of Women Empowerment for Social Prosperity


Mr. Sanjay Chavan
Assistant Professor
AISSMS Institute of Management

Shahu Maharaj, during his rule, attempted to liberate the Non-Brahmin class from the gripof baised casteism. He enacted various laws against traditional standing and religionand offered significance to the current position of women in society. Hecommitted himself to the social transformation idea of Mahatma Jyotiba … Read More


Creating the Leaders of Tomorrow

Dr. Abhijit Mancharkar
Director, AISSMS IOM

“The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.”

-Theodore M. Hesburgh

The world has witnessed numerous leaders who have change the course of history through their persistent efforts, commitment and unshakable vision. The leaders from different corners of the … Read More


It’s Her Way of Shopping….

 Dr. Rashmi Phirke
Assistant Professor, AISSMS IOM

“A Women’s way to deal with shopping is especially part of what her identity is; it’s in her genes.” In case of maximum women the manner in which they shops when they are 18 years of age is a similar way they are going to shop when will … Read More


Blog by Prachi Chandekar

We live…
They said life is easy if you know how to live.!
I am yet living, did life get easier? Or my ability to handle the struggles stronger?
They said it’s okay to fail…
Never did they mention how many times..Either i have learnt to accept failures or settling for an average or not … Read More


Zero Is The New Hero

Urssila Sumant
Assistant Professor, AISSMS IOM

Recently I read a news that “A dead body of a beggar was found in his hut along with millions of rupees. I wondered, what was the use of such wealth? But then at least he was rich when he died! Wasn’t he? The next moment a thought crossed … Read More


AISSMS IOM: Crafting Valued Corporate Professionals

Dr. Abhijit Mancharkar
Director, AISSMS IOM

“Management is an Art and of getting things done from others.”

– Mary Parker Folett

Every management student is well versed with this phrase while pursuing their degree in management and administration. But the magnitude of this small yet significant phrase is realized by the students when they begin … Read More


AISSMS IOM – Bringing Out the Best in Students

Dr. Abhijit Mancharkar
Director, AISSMS IOM

In today’s competitive environment, it is very crucial that every individual has a fundamental grasp on the expertise of their niche in order to succeed.

Thus, while working towards employability enhancement or entrepreneurial development in students AISSMS IOM is focused on developing the student’s abilities and making them ready … Read More



Just like every day, after completing all the domestic work I was on the way to my work. Sitting on the rear seat and going through the newspaper, was hoping for another normal day at the office, the car was cruising at a normal pace halting only at the signals. The noise all around was … Read More


Enabling Holistic Development

Dr. Abhijit Mancharkar
Director, AISSMS IOM

“The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity.”

 – Ayn Rand

The ideology of AISSMS Institute of Management gives utmost importance to crafting professionals and leaders of the future.

We believe that students must be given a platform to learn through experience in … Read More


Does Altman Z-Score model accurately predict bankruptcy?

Prof. Dr. Seema Sharma
Associate Professor (Finance)

Contextual discussion:-

There are various ways to assess financial condition of a firm. Choice of financial technique depends upon the purpose for which the assessment activity is done. It aims at achieving right level of complexity to decipher right kind of information for firm’s stakeholders. It may be … Read More


Is India Losing Out On ‘Namaste’……….?

Dr. Pooja Upadhyay
Associate Professor
AISSMS, Institute of Management, Pune.

I was returning to Pune from Lucknow and since I had checked in early I had time left to board the plane, I was sitting in the lounge reading a very engrossing book by John Grisham. I heard something very interesting and looked up … Read More


Hobbies – The Best Companion

Dr. Bhagyashri Kanhere
Asst. Professor
AISSMS, Institute of Management, Pune.

All-round development of students’ personality is the need of time for career growth as well as for enjoying balanced personal life. According to me, personality development means the development of physical and mental attributes and abilities.
One of the wise sayings of Buddha is “What … Read More


Advanced Teaching Learning Methods under Outcome-based Education

Prof. Gajanan Nerkar
Assistant Professor,
AISSMS Institute of Management

The 2019 syllabus document of SPPU mentions that:

Outcome Based Education (OBE) Approach: Outcomes are about performance, and this implies:

  1. There must be a performer – the student (learner), not only the teacher
  2. There must be something performable (thus demonstrable or assessable) to perform
  3. The
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Emotional Connect with the Organization- Right or Wrong

Dr. Pooja Upadhyay
Associate Professor
AISSMS, Institute of Management, Pune.

Whenever we see an organization or an institution and admire it, we only see what it delivers and admire its success. But what we miss out is the very competent management, an efficient administrative force and a team of equally qualified employees behind its … Read More


Positive Customer Experiences: A Key to Good Brand

Dr. Gauri Prabhu
Associate Professor

When we say the word “Brand”; immediately what comes to our mind is a creative logo or a powerful slogan. However, the analogy is that the customer’s positive experience creates the brand for the company.

Communication, no doubt, plays a major role in branding but no words can … Read More


Emotions in Life

Prof. Archana Raut

Emotions are beautiful,

Emotions are need,

Emotions are expression,

Emotions are balance of healthy life.

Emotions play a very vital role in anybody’s life. Life without emotions is like LIFE WITHOUT WATER. If emotions are not shown there and then a person personality becomes stubborn, aggressive or submissive. To … Read More