Let’s say Thanks to Teachers !!!

In this world, there are only a few pure souls who dedicate their time, hard work & whole life to give right path & future to every child. I am talking about our Teachers. Do you know? Education is the most important & powerful weapon to bring glory & success to your life. To implement education, we required those pure souls.

In the whole life of human being, if you observed each and every person teaches us some lessons of life. Starting from childhood, our parents teach us how to walk, how to talk etc. Family teaches us ethics & to respect everyone. Friends teach us the value of friendship. In schools & colleges, Teacher teaches us everything from the academics & also gives the right direction to life. In fact, I would say Teachers are the backbone of this world. They mould the student’s personality & provides a bright future ahead. Apart from this, they guide us, motivate us & inspires to become best.

We all know that in the honour of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, September 5 is celebrated as Teachers day In India since 1962. I remember my school days, the students of 10th std used to become one day teacher of the school. When I become one day teacher on teachers day, I realised how difficult it is to teach someone.


Nowadays, teachers are teaching online. While teaching, there are so many problems teachers are facing. It’s not easy to teach students virtually & to get feedback from students. Still, all the teachers are trying their best to teach their students in a proper manner. So just a request to all students, be cooperative with them & have patience while learning. As a child, I know everyone was not fond of their teachers. But as we grew up & after getting all the achievements, we can’t thank them enough. So, Let’s say Thanks to teachers now…

Just remember one thing in your life, Teaching is the only profession which creates all other professions. Teachers can change your life.

I would like to express my respect & gratitude to all my lovely teachers for their guidance, love & support.
Thank you!!!


Sujit Tambe