1. Students must carry their Identity cards every day when on campus and produce it on demand by any authorities of the Institute.
2. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the lecture halls, seminar halls, library, computer labs, examination halls, syndicate and common rooms, etc. and will be confiscated.
3. Ragging of any sort is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with seriously as per the provisions of the Maharashtra Ragging Prohibition Act 1999.The institution shall take strict action against the student by cancelling admission, if found guilty or involved in ragging. If student’s prior record is having any connectivity related to this offence will be immediately rusticated.[For details refer to Anti- Ragging Policy Page]
4. Absence from tests/examination/tutorials and non-submission of assignments in time will make a student ineligible for internal assessment. No excuse will be entertained.
5. Students are required to have at least 75% attendance in the lectures of every subject.
6. Details should be entered in the register while availing Lab or library facility.
7. Dress code
Uniform for Monday, Thusrday and Saturday
Tuesday and Wednesday Formals
Friday Casuals
Library Code of Conduct
1. While entering the Library, visitors are required to sign on students notebook and leave their bags, hats etc., at counter in the entrance.
2. Maintain discipline and silence in the Library.
3. Cell phone, Audio visuals & Eatables are restricted in the Library.
4. While leaving the Library, all the material such as books, magazines, newspapers, chairs etc. should be kept in proper place.
5. Do not put any pencil mark, book mark on a book. Books are for use.
6. For the misbehaviour in the Library, students will be expelled out from the Library for whole term.
7. Book overdue or outstanding more than circulation period would be charged @ Rs. 5/- per day as a fine.
8. While issuing and returning book, do come personally along with the Library card. You are not allowed to issue any book on behalf of your friend.
9. While issuing book, please check the condition of the book and any damage should be shown to the Librarian. Afterwards no complaints will be entertained and the last borrowers will be held responsible for the act.
10. The book lost by readers or outstanding against their name more than one semester will be recovered from them either a replacement copy of the same or a printed cost of the book.
While issuing the books, the students should submit a requisition slip in the morning session and collect the books in the afternoon session. Without requisition slip no books will be issued.
Circulation Days and Time
11. Ist Year Students ——-> Monday, Wednesday and Friday ———>10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
IInd Year Students——-> Tuesday, Thursday ———> 10.00 a.m. to 4. 30 p.m.
Circulation Material and Period
Ist Year Students ——->2 Books for 08 days and Book Bank
IInd Year Students ——->5 Books for 15 days.