Date: 15th to 19th Jan-2018
For Teaching Effective use of Leadership Skills, Team work
For Non Teaching Goods and Services Tax and Taxation
Resource Person:
For Faculty- Mrs. Parinita Karandikar & Mr Prashant Nimbalkar
For Non Teaching- Mrs Chhaya Raut
Dr Vishal W. Wagh
Prof Charulata Bhaisare
AISSMS IOM had organized Three days Faculty Development program for teaching staff and two days Professional Development program for Non Teaching Staff on 15TH to 19TH January-2018. Five days programme (FDP/PDP-2018) was successfully conducted at AISSMS IOM.
The programme was started with felicitation of the guest Mrs. Pranita Karandikar( Resource Person) on time at auditorium on 15th Jan 2018 by hands of Dr. Pooja Upadhyay followed with the guest introduction given by Dr. Vishal Wagh. The guest had started session on “Goal Setting” She had highlighted many aspects of goal setting.
On second day 16th Jan-2018, resource person Mr. Prashant Nimbalkar started his session after the felicitation by Dr.Pooja Upadhyay and guest introduction by Prof. Charulata Bhaisare. He shared very important concepts of “Effective use of Leadership Skills” theoretically as well as practices. He had conducted various activities based on leadership skill and qualities, every activity had its own learning objectives.
On third day 17th Jan-2018 day resource person Mr. Prashant Nimbalkar started his session on “Team Work & Goal Setting” He had highlighted the importance of team work and goal setting. Then he discussed about how to create interest among the faculty to work in a team. On third day also he had conducted various activity which showed the importance of team work and goal setting, all faculties had showed interest and performed enthusiastically along with understanding the learning objective of activities.
On Fourth and Fifth days 18th & 19th Jan 2018 was Professional Development program organized for Non Teaching Staff and Mrs Chhaya Raut was the Resource person(Guest). Dr Sanjay Patankar (Director) felicited the guest and Dr Vishal Wagh given the introduction of the guest. Later Mrs Chhaya Raut had started session on Goods and Services Tax(GST). She had focus many aspects GST. On 19th she had shared information on Taxation and its various aspects like Taxation Reforms, Change in Income tax Provision, Calculation of taxable income, various deductions under income tax Act.
Attending such faculty development programmes would enhance skills of teaching concepts practically; it helps to improve the performance of faculty in teaching and highlighted the importance and objectives of organizing faculty development programmes.